You should click on this totally innocent link i'm sure nothing will happen


I'm Atlas, i use he/him, and i like video games, robots, and bugs!! I'm fairly new to actual coding but pretty much all of my aspirations involve it somehow and I thought having a site of my own would be both a fun thing in general, and really good for when Tumblr inevitably explodes one day. So i made one and then forgot about it for like a century, and then one day during what i can only assume was a sugar rush, i remembered it existed and spent the whole night attempting to learn html and css. And i'd say it went fairly well since i never ended up crying like I always do when i try to learn c# or similar things!!! I have no idea what i'm doing yet but i'm hoping to one day absolutely COVER this site in gifs and video game sprites and pictures of bugs and plushies. it's gonna be awesome if it ever happens

Creature of the month

Zoroark from Pokemon

Not sure how long i'll be able to keep this up on account of I Cannot Commit To Things and also I Most Likely Have Adhd but i thought of it and it seemed like a fun way to get myself to remember to work on this website (hopefully); every month i'll put a new fictional animal/monster here and say some stuff about it. this month's is Zoroark mostly because it was the first thing i saw when i went to my pictures folder and i didn't want to think too hard about it, but i mean there Is a reason it was there to begin with. Dark is my favorite type and i think it's a pretty good example of one, i dont really know how to explain but i think you can understand why. also it's cool and fluffy


May 11 2024 - Became an actual thing!!!!!!! theres still a stupid amount of stuff to do but hey at least the homepage is presentable enough to do it. added plushies everywhere i thought would look good and accidentally clicked The Link while trying to switch tabs