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Rating system

I don't entirely know how i'll be doing this or how good the reviews will be since i'm just a random teenager with too much free time but i do know games will be rated out of 100 since it seems like the easiest way to do it. although honestly now that i think about it being Just Some Guy might actually help since im not being paid to play rain world for 15 minutes and then say it's bad based solely on that

I will rate them based on:

Gameplay and mechanics - i mean. its video game reviews

Graphics and art - Honestly one of the most important parts of a game for me, if the style rubs me the wrong way or doesn't fit i'm gonna have a lot less fun playing the game. graphics are less important and really mostly "how pretty is the game and does it kill my computer"

Music - Self explanatory. good music good bad music bad

Story - Importance heavily depends on the kind of game but if it has a story that matters i definitely want it to be good. includes how the story is actually told and little lore tidbits scattered throughout

Glitches - Also kind of depends on the game, if it can be used for messing around or speedrunning it can be really fun but if it's just Glitches then it probably can't. unless theyre funny

Amount of bugs and robots - Probably wont affect ratings much i just really like bugs and robots

And anything else that i feel like matters. like if it's a horror game how scary it is will affect things, etc

Actual reviews will go below this i just need to decide what i want to do first. dies